She lets the performers and the sharp script do the speaking, and gives us something larger than comedy. Penny Marshall directs with an uncharacteristically subdued hand, employing no camera tricks or overblown music here. Jared Rushton adds a shake of pepper to the role of his friend Billy, and Elizabeth Perkins looks appropriately bewildered by it all as the reluctant love interest. David Moscow, playing the young Josh Baskin, is a terrific counterpart for Hanks. There are other fine performances here as well. There's a profound innocence about him - that innocence makes him both vulnerable and irresistibly charming. He's not merely imitating the mannerisms of an awkward 12-year-old. The scene in which he spends a night alone in a seedy New York motel, fidgeting until he breaks into tears, makes his situation gut-wrenchingly believable. Tom Hanks, who would go on a few years later to win back-to-back Oscars for Philadelphia (1993) and Forrest Gump (1994), delivers such a performance here. Both do something intelligent and inventive with that premise, and both are grounded by strong, earnest performances that make the incredible seem credible. A unique blend of original recipes, must-have favorites, and affordable prices have resulted in a. BIG FISH GRILL REHOBOTH Founded in 1997 by brothers Norman and Eric Sugrue, Delaware’s Big Fish Grill has become one of the premier spots for casual dining in the region. There aren't very many funny movies about people who get magically transplanted into somebody else's body the premise is a stale one by now, having shouldered more beatings under Hollywood's bullwhip than the proverbial dead horse. map marker pin20298 Coastal Highway, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971. This movie is surprisingly heartwarming and humorous.